
The Ultimate Guide to Storing Your Luggage at Home

Travel enriches our lives with experiences and memories, but once the journey ends, we’re often left wondering how to store our luggage efficiently at home. Proper storage not only saves space but also protects your luggage, ensuring it remains in good condition for your next adventure. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to organize and store your luggage effectively, keeping your home clutter-free and your travel gear ready to go.

Preparing Your Luggage for Storage

Before storing your luggage, it’s crucial to prepare it correctly:

  • Clean Your Luggage: Empty all pockets and compartments, vacuum the inside to remove dust and debris, and wipe down the exterior with a suitable cleaner. Fabric bags might need spot cleaning or washing, while hard cases can be cleaned with mild soap and water.
  • Inspect for Damage: Check for any damage, such as tears, broken zippers, or damaged wheels. Repairing these issues before storage prevents further damage and ensures your luggage is travel-ready.
  • Protect Sensitive Materials: Treat leather with a conditioner and polish metal parts to prevent tarnishing. For luggage made from special materials, follow the manufacturer’s care instructions.

Material Considerations

Different materials require different care:

  • Fabric Luggage: Store in a dry place to prevent mold and mildew. Consider using fabric protectors for water resistance.
  • Hardshell Cases: Avoid stacking heavy items on top that could cause deformation.
  • Leather Bags: Store in a cool, ventilated area and use a breathable cover to prevent dust accumulation without causing dryness.

Storing Luggage by Room


  • Under the Bed: Ideal for suitcases not frequently used, utilizing space-saving bags can further compact items like seasonal clothing.
  • Closet Shelves: Perfect for smaller bags or cases, keeping them dust-free and out of sight.

Living Room

  • Decorative Displays: Stack suitcases to create a unique side table or storage unit, blending functionality with aesthetics.
  • Behind Furniture: Utilize the space behind sofas or cabinets for slim cases or seldom-used luggage.

Garage or Attic

  • Wall-Mounted Racks: Great for hanging duffel bags and backpacks, keeping them off the floor and organized.
  • Ceiling Storage: Utilize overhead racks for large suitcases, ensuring they’re securely fastened.

Innovative Storage Solutions

  • Nesting: Store smaller pieces inside larger ones to save space.
  • Luggage Racks: Folding luggage racks can be used for temporary storage, then tucked away.
  • Furniture with Hidden Storage: Ottomans and benches with storage can hide luggage in plain sight.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I store luggage in a small space?

Maximize vertical space with hooks and shelves, and consider under-bed storage options for suitcases. Nesting smaller items inside larger ones can also save space.

Is it okay to store luggage in the basement or attic?

Yes, but ensure the area is dry and well-ventilated to prevent mold and damage from extreme temperatures. Use protective covers to shield from dust.

Can I use vacuum bags for storing clothes in my luggage?

Absolutely! Vacuum bags are great for compacting clothes, reducing the space they take up whether stored in luggage or elsewhere.


Storing luggage efficiently requires creativity and consideration of the space available in your home. By following these tips, you can keep your luggage in top condition, saving you time and hassle when preparing for your next trip. Remember, the key to effective luggage storage is not just about finding a place for everything but also about protecting your investment for future journeys.

For a detailed exploration of specific luggage storage solutions and products, visiting manufacturers’ websites or home organization blogs can provide additional insights and ideas tailored to your needs.